VTech VM3252 vs VTech VM901

Here is our VTech VM3252 vs VTech VM901 guide, by our detailed specification table you will find out which monitor is better for you. Before going into more detail, here are the most important things you need to know about these two baby cams.
Mobile Viewing: The VTech VM901 is a Wi-fi enabled device so you can watch your house from anywhere via your mobile device while the VTech VM3252 is a classic baby monitor so it only works in your home.
Motion Alert: The VTech VM901 has motion detection alert, the VTech VM3252 does not have this feature.

VTech VM3252

VTech VM901

Image of VTech VM3252 video baby monitorImage of VTech VM901 video baby monitor

Here we list all available specs side by side so you can decide which one of these baby monitors would be a better option.

VTech VM3252 vs VTech VM901 Specs Table

Communication Technology
2.4Ghz Channel With Fhss TechnologyWi-fi
Mobile Viewing with App from Anywhere
Support Multiple Cameras
Power Source
Rechargeable Battery/Adaptor
Screen Size
2.8 inches5 inches
Can Viewed from Smartphone
2-Way Talk
Temprature Sensor
Sound Alert
Motion Alert
User Manual
See Price at AmazonSee Price at Amazon

Side by side comparison of VTech VM3252 and VTech VM901.