Bissell Big Green Deep Carpet Cleaner vs Hoover Max Extract Dual V

We compare the Bissell Big Green Deep Carpet Cleaner vs Hoover Max Extract Dual V side by side in depth, here is the comparison table.
Bissell Big Green Deep Carpet Cleaner vs Hoover Max Extract Dual V

Bissell Big Green Deep Carpet Cleaner

Hoover Max Extract Dual V

Spec Comparison of Bissell Big Green Deep Carpet Cleaner and Hoover Max Extract Dual V

Bissell Big Green Deep Carpet CleanerHoover Max Extract Dual V
Our rating: Our rating:
Carpet CleanerCarpet Cleaner
Motor Power
12 amps
12 amps
Noise(dB) ?Level of the noise in decibels, the lower the decibel number the quieter the carpet cleaner.
Clean Water Capacity
1.75 gallons1 gallon
Separate Detergent Tank ?Some models have separate tank for detergent so that you can switch to rinse only without cleaning the tank.
Heated Air Dryer ?Machines with this feature can force hot air from nozzle which makes drying faster, only a few models offer this feature.
Rotating Brushes
Carry Handle
Cord Length
25 feet
20 feet
Hose Length
9 feet
8 feet
Cleaning Path Width
10.5 in.
13 in.
40 lbs.
27 lbs.
Manufacturer URL
Limited 5 year warranty1-year limited

A Youtube Video About Bissell Big Green Deep Carpet Cleaner

A Video About Hoover Max Extract Dual V

Bissell Big Green Deep Carpet Cleaner vs Hoover Max Extract Dual V